Why Youth Homelessness Matters

This Wednesday (17th of April) marks National Youth Homelessness Matters Day. Organisations across the country are uniting to call for a national plan to end youth homelessness that is funded by the government and supported by the community.
It is hard to fathom that on any given night in Australia, 28,000 young people (aged 12-24) experience homelessness. 38% of the entire homelessness population (116,000+) are young people aged 25 and under.
This really sucks.
Homelessness is a complex, stigmatised and growing issue. That’s why HoMie exists, and decided to create its Pathway Alliance: an accredited, collaborative retail training and employment program that provides a supported pathway for young people affected by homelessness or hardship.
CEO for Yfoundations, Zoe Robinson, recently commented on the need for organisations like HoMie and its Pathway Alliance program:
“HoMie provide practical solutions to a real issue. Not only do they raise awareness through their awesome clothing line, but they provide opportunities to young people to gain employment through their training program. Youth Homelessness requires a holistic solution, it is not simply about a house it is about opportunities - for health, for employment, for security and the opportunity to thrive.”
Given that the retail industry is the biggest employer of young people in the country, it only makes sense that we use it as a tool to solve one of its biggest issues.
Most of us began our working lives in either retail or hospitality, and probably didn’t fully appreciate the skills (both life and work) that were acquired during this time. You can only imagine what this opportunity can mean for someone who has never been presented with anything like it before.
Retail has enormous potential in making a real, lasting difference to this issue - and it’s only just being realised. To date, HoMie has had 12 successful graduates complete our program, and have just commenced our 2019 program with 10 interns working across HoMie, Cotton On and Hanes Brands Stores.
Retail is a powerful force, yet modest in comparison to that of young people who just need an opportunity. The individual and collective potential of youth is perhaps the greatest force we have in this world. That’s what matters.
Here’s how you can support:
- Sign the petition http://chng.it/Rb62dkGX9q
- Shop at HoMie, where 100% of profits support young people affected by homelessness and hardship, through our VIP Shopping Days and Pathway Alliance program.
Nick Pearce
Co-Founder & CEO